Nurse Services
We offer a number of nurse led clinics. These include but are not limited to:
· Diabetes Get Checked visits. Please book with Tracey for this. Your GP may also refer you to this service. No charges apply.
· Healthy Heart Checks Please book in with Katherine for this. You will need to phone and request a blood test prior to your visit. No charges apply.
· Asthma Many asthmatics put up with poor asthma control. If you use your reliever inhaler more than twice per week or still find yourself coughing, wheezing or feeling short of breath, you need an asthma review. You can book in with Te Aniwa or Hayley for more advice and support relating to your asthma management.
· Cervical screening Te Aniwa, Hayley, Pauline, and Tracey are our qualified nurse smear takers. No appointment necessary, however, booking can usually reduce your wait time for a nurse.
· Smoke Cessation Support If you are thinking of quitting or need help to stop smoking, there are many options to help you. Book in with our Smoke cessation trained nurses Rosemary. Hayley, AJ or Te Aniwa.
· Childhood Immunisation The majority of our nurses are qualified childhood immunisers. No appointment necessary, however, booking can usually reduce your wait time for a nurse. Please refer to the table below for timing and details of free/funded immunisations.
· Travel Immunisations Once you have been seen by a doctor in a booked appointment (relating to your travel plans), the doctor can prescribe the vaccines required. Our nurses can then advise cost, and make a plan for the best timing of the travel vaccines required. All travel vaccines must be PRE-PAID. We advise seeing the Doctor at the earliest opportunity to ensure vaccines are ordered and administered early to allow full protection before travel.
· Ear Syringing Here at Dargaville Medical Centre we use water irrigation for the procedure. To ensure safety, we follow a strict guide with includes the need for our patients to have used a softener or oil to soften the wax for at least 3 DAYS before we can do this procedure. This service has a charge of $30.
· Blood Pressure checks We can help you monitor your blood pressure and give advice to when you may need this reviewed by your GP. These is a charge of $5 for blood pressure checks.
· Pregnancy testing We use urine pregnancy testing kits with a charge of $5 for each negative test. If the test reveals a positive result, we can give advice regarding pregnancy care services and early pregnancy screening tests required.
· Wound care Our nurses have a wealth of knowledge and experience surrounding wound care, wound care products, removal of sutures/staples.
Please note: Generally, all wound care nursing services have an associated cost to cover products/dressings used. They can refer you to District Nurses (free NDHB service) if your wound is complex or chronic in nature.
· Green Prescription Referrals Any one of our nurses can help you reach the goal of a healthier you by completing a referral to our local Sport Northland Green Prescription services. One of Sport Northland's Healthy Lifestyle Support team will then contact you. Their role is to support individuals and whānau with suitable physical activity and healthy eating options. They will offer regular follow ups track progress and provide support and motivation along the way.
· Footcare Our nurses are only able to offer a very basic toenail cutting service to patients who are otherwise not able to do this themselves. Charges for this service range from $30 -$40.
Note: For more complex nail/foot concerns, please check with your GP to see of you meet criteria for a referral to podiatry services.